Game controls
- W = speed up
- S = slow down
- A = left turn
- D = right turn
- Q = sharp left turn
- E = sharp right turn
- J = fire
- K = sub-weapon
- Space = pull up
- Shift = roll
- R = reload
Game description
Welcome to the exciting universe of Dogfight, a captivating game brought to you by Maybic. In this game, you're not just a player, but a daring pilot in the midst of an intense aerial battle. Navigate through different modes and maps, each offering unique challenges and nail-biting suspense. Experience the thrill as you go against formidable opponents in the sky, using your tactical skills to outmaneuver and defeat them. Whether you are in the 'Deathmatch' mode or the 'Capture the Flag' mode, every second is filled with action and strategic gameplay.
Planning your moves wisely and mastering the controls are key to winning in Dogfight. Knowing when to attack or defend can make all the difference. Practice makes perfect, so keep playing!