is an exciting and challenging multiplayer online game. It is all about surviving in a world where everyone is trying to take over. You'll navigate a spaceship through a map filled with asteroids and enemy ships. The game features several modes, each presenting different challenges and requiring unique strategies. The maps vary in complexity, with some having more obstacles and others offering more open spaces for combat. The characters in the game are vividly designed, each with their own unique skills and abilities. Play on Maybic now!
Hover over objects to abduct. Make sure the lights you're casting are large enough to encompass the things you want to abduct!
Move - WASD or arrow keys
One winning tip for playing is to be strategic with your movements. Avoid getting into the center of the action and instead, try to pick off other players from a distance. Also, make sure to collect as many power-ups as you can to boost your ship's abilities.